Why herbs? Why is using plant medicines of value? If current medical technology and innovation can cure it, then what is the point? Here are a few reasons to seek herbal healing:
1) We are nature. Despite the paradigm of our current modern culture, we are in fact part of the fabric of the natural world. The richness of our blood, the air that fills our lungs, the particles of our bone marrow. All of these are gifts from the earth and when we pass we give them back to the earth. By seeking healing from the natural world we are acknowledging and honoring this connection. The plants are here as our allies and healers. So many of the weeds we tread on everyday are in fact powerful healing plants. We just need to learn how to incorporate these things back into our life. Dandelion is not just for tying into children's necklaces, but is a plant meant to continue with us through our lives to ensure our health and vitality, as are so many plants.
2) Prevention of disease. We have a health care system that operates in response to medical crisis or acute medical conditions that have built up over time. Allopathic medicine responds to health issues that have become painful, difficult, inconvenient, and burdensome. It is helpful to have this level medicine there, however wouldn't it seem advantageous to respond to slight health imbalances before they build into larger problems. Herbal medicine can address those acute, painful, built up health problems but it can also address daily health maintenance and prevention. Herbs can help release gallstones but also can nurture a healthier digestive system to prevent such a problem. Herbs also nourish better overall health and vitality. Drinking herbal teas or taking in herbs in other forms creates a feeling of nourishment, health, and sense of being alive. Drinking an herbal tea, such as nettles, everyday will make you feel vibrant and full or health! What a wonderful and truly sustaining gift!
3) Healing without negative side effects. Some people simply dislike medication. Others have had bad experiences with the side-effects of medications. One of my teachers always says “there are no side-effects of medications, there are only effects. Some of the effects you want and some you don't want.” Some feel if there is an herbal alternative to a medication (which there almost always is) then why not seek that rather than take a pill. Medications can be hard of the body to process and detox. Antibiotics are very rough on the digestive system. There are so many wonderful herbal treatments that are antibacterial, antiviral, and healing to the issues we seek medications for. Why not use something that is only healing to the body and has no negative side-effects.
4) Medicine with spirit. Herbs provide medicine not only for the body, but also for the spirit. We are creatures that need balancing and sustenance not only on the physical level, but on the spiritual and emotional levels as well. Each plant, like all life, has a particular energy and spirit which is unique unto itself. When you drink an herbal tea, take drops of a tincture, or take an herbal capsule you are taking in the physical and energetic properties of that plant. While taking bitter herbs for digestion, you also might find you are calmer and less edgy. While taking herbs for asthma you might find you become less sad about an emotional upset. Herbs work subtly on several levels of the body, interacting with the energetics of our organs, as well as our emotional and spiritual lives.
5) Love yourself. No matter how we seek to incorporate herbal healing into our lives it is a rewarding and health sustaining step. Most importantly it is a joyful step. Stepping into your healthy and balanced body in a way that is connected to the earth and the fullness of your existence is truly a loving and joyful process. Begin today.